My husband, David, and I have two adult children, and we have been raising our daughter, Rhianna, at Hope since 2018. I worked most of my career in the legal field as a paralegal. However, in 2000 I felt the need to give back to the community. David and I started a nonprofit organization – Tailored for Success, Inc., focusing on job readiness and soft skill building. Serving as the full-time Executive Director of Tailored for Success has allowed me to meet many courageous individuals who, despite overwhelming challenges, are attempting to enter the workforce. I feel blessed to have found Hope and how it has grown my relationship with Christ through Life Group and Women’s Ministry participation. I currently serve on the Welcome Team and help in Children’s church. I came to Christ as an adult but was raised as a Christian and always admired my grandfather, who planted a church in Roxbury. Recently, I felt led to help Christian-based nonprofits through my skills and knowledge of the nonprofit sector. When not working, I enjoy traveling, reading and spending time with my family. My favorite passage of scripture is Psalm 27, especially verse 10.
Brian Lundquist
David Hart