About the Ministry
We cherish prayer and know that “apart from him, we can do nothing.” Our desire is to be a praying church, not just a church that prays. In other words, we want prayer to be integral to the very fabric of our identity. We want to pray at all times, not just when things go wrong.
Praying With You
If you have a prayer need please let us know by requesting prayer using the button below. Your request will only be sent to Pastor Todd and Pastor Steve. After submitting your request one of them will respond to you directly to coordinate someone on our prayer team to pray with you in person or over the phone.
Prayer Ministry Opportunities
24-Hour Prayer: Periodically we schedule prayer watches from 5:00 p.m. on Friday until 5:00 p.m. on Saturday. Spaces are created at the church specifically for this purpose and we keep the building quiet during this 24-hour period. As we continue to journey through the pandemic we have also incorporated the option to sign up and pray from home. These prayer opportunities are for individuals, teams, or small groups during a selected time slot of one or more hours over a 24-hour period so that continuous prayer is taking place. This time can be used for personal intimacy with the Lord or you may pray for the church or others.
Post Service Prayer: Members of the prayer team are available to pray with you at the conclusion of each Sunday worship service. Look for them to the right of the sanctuary. Or if we are meeting outside look for them to the right side of the stage as well located under the large tree.
Churchwide Prayer Meetings: Every 5-6 weeks we gather on Wednesday nights from 7:30-9:00 pm to pray together as a community. These are very special times as a family in Christ.
Moms in Prayer: All moms are welcome to join this gathering as we pray for our children, families, and local schools. Meets weekly, every Tuesday morning from 8:30 to 9:30 at Hope.
Women’s Prayer Gathering: Get an early start to the day with a solid foundation of prayer. These ladies gather at Hope Monday through Friday at 5:30 a.m., except Wednesday which is at 6:00 a.m.