When? May 4-6, 2018
Where? Camp Berea in Hebron, NH
What? Hope’s annual men’s retreat is a time to get away from the busyness of life and draw close to the Lord, while being edified by God’s word and blessed by getting to know other Christian men. There’ll be time for worshiping, learning, resting, playing, laughing, and listening.
How much? $100 – includes lodging and all meals
Theme? Entrusting Truth to Faithful Men
Paul instructs Timothy, “What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” Paul’s point is that Timothy was to take the faith that he had heard and learned from Paul and pass it on to other men. What truth do men today need to hear and know so that it can passed on to the next generation of faithful men? We’ll be focusing on four truths in this year’s annul men’s retreat: 1) cherishing God’s word, 2) loving your wife, 3) avoiding spiritual passivity, and 4) being equipped to teach faith to others. Save the date. Plan to go. Register today and begin to pray.
Deadline? Register by April 22.
To register, click here.